Adding or Dropping a Class
Adding a Class Frequently Asked Questions
- If you are below full-time (12 hours) and add a course, your tuition and fees will increase. Contact the Buckeye Link office for details if you are concerned.
- You will also be charged additional fees for each credit hour over 18 hours
- You may be taking on too much work for one term. It can be hard to judge how much work a course will be, especially combined with other courses, work, and extra-curriculars. Most instructors expect you to study and attend class 3 hours each week for every 1 credit hour you enroll in. This means that a 3 credit course should take about 9 hours of your time each week. Talk to your academic advisor for advice on whether to take on more course work.
When you try to add a course that you have already enrolled in, you will receive a message that you will only receive credit for the course once. In some cases, when you attempt to repeat a course, you may receive a message that you have not met the enrollment requirements. If you receive this message, talk to your academic advisor.
- When you repeat a class without Grade Forgiveness, both grades remain on your record and are calculated into your cumulative GPA. Credit for the course will count only once toward graduation
When you audit a class, you attend a class for which you do not receive a grade or credit. Audited classes do not count toward your financial aid status or toward graduation. Please contact the BuckeyeLink office or your scholarship provider before choosing this option. To audit a class, download a Course Enrollment Permission Form. You will need permission from the instructor to enroll in the class for an audit
To select Pass/Non-Pass for an elective class, please talk to your advisor about whether you qualify to use that option. If so, you will select PA/NP on the Course Enrollment Permission Form and return it to your advising office.
You will need permission from your advising office. This would be a good reason to schedule an appointment with your advisor.
- Remember that you will be charged additional fees for each credit over 18 hours.
Before you drop a class
If you are are having trouble in a course, talk to your instructor about help or tutoring, or about taking an incomplete before you decide to drop the course. If you decide to drop the class, you need to drop the class online or with an advisor.
How much of the course you have already completed?
In many cases, students find it beneficial to request an "I - Incomplete" mark
In these cases, students request an Incomplete and - when the instructor agrees - this allows them to use the first 6 weeks of the next semester to complete the remaining work that is due in the class. This is a good option for students who:
- Have completed most of the coursework and don't want to lose their progress in the class, and
- Would be able to maintain a satisfactory grade in the class if they have additional time to submit the coursework
Are you ready to drop a class?
1st Friday of the Course
- Summer 4 Week Session 1, 2, or 3 (4 week courses)
2nd Friday of the Course
- Autumn Session 1 or 2 (7 week courses)
- Spring Session 1 or 2 (7 week courses)
- Summer 6 Week Session 1 or 2 (6 courses)
- Summer 8 Week Session 1 or 2 (8 week courses)
4th Friday of the Course
- Full Autumn or Spring Semester (14 week courses)
- Full Summer Term (12 week courses)
3rd Friday of the Course
- Summer 4 Week Session 1, 2, or 3 (4 week courses)
4th Friday of the Course
- Summer 6 Week Session 1 or 2 (6 week courses)
5th Friday of the Course
- Autumn Session 1 or 2 (7 week courses)
- Spring Session 1 or 2 (7 week courses)
6th Friday of the Course
- Summer 8 Week Session 1 or 2 (8 week courses)
10th Friday of the Course
- Full Autumn or Spring Semester (14 week courses)
- Full Summer Term (12 week courses)
Dropping classes can impact other important things
Before you drop a class, you should make sure you understand how it may impact your eligibility for other programs or services at the university (or beyond). Some students have additional rules to consider as well. Review the list below for details.
Special Situations
The university expects that you have decided to finish the course once the deadline to drop without a W has passed, and taking the final exam is considered the last act of commitment to the course. Only extreme circumstances beyond your control are considered for a drop beyond the dates listed above. If you are pursuing a petition to drop classes or withdraw from the university after the term is over, it is best to do it within 1-2 terms of the term you are withdrawing from. Successful petitions result in changes to your academic record, but may or may not result in changes to tuition, fees, or refunds.
- Class Participation
The university's reporting requirements for Federal Financial Aid dictate that classes are dropped on or after the student's last date of attendance or participation. For details about attendance and participation, visit the registrar's website.
- Drop for Non-Payment
Students who have past-due balances on their Statement of Account won't be allowed to register for future semesters until they are paid, and students with past-due balances who already have registered for future courses will be dropped from those courses and must pay in full to re-register. A past-due balance could include unpaid tuition and fees, housing and dining, or other charges or penalties.