The resources available to repay your student loans will depend on the type of loans you've received over the course of your academic career. More information is available on the Student Financial Aid website for your student group under the "Repaying your loans" tab.
Federal direct subsidized and unsubsidized loans
Direct subsidized loans and direct unsubsidized loans are federal student loans that students may borrow directly from the U.S. Department of Education (ED). These loans require that you complete Student Loan Exit Counseling through when you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment.
Exit counseling provides important information you need as you prepare to repay your federal student loans. When you are required to take this step, Ohio State will populate an Exit Counseling task on your Financial Aid To Do List in My Buckeye Link.
Institutional and other federal loans
Institutional and other federal loans that are jointly funded by Ohio State and the federal government include Perkins, Health Professions, and University Loans.
These loans require that you complete an Exit Interview when you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment. Exit Interviews are overseen by the University Collections division of the Office of the University Bursar in partnership with a specialized loan servicer, Educational Computer Systems, Inc. (ECSI).
Failure to complete an exit interview for your ECSI managed loans may result in a hold being added to your student account that restricts your ability to view grades, obtain your diploma, or enroll in future classes.
More information on how these loans are serviced can be found through the University Bursar.
Private loans
Exit counseling through the university is not a requirement for private loans, however each loan may have different repayment terms so it is important you contact the lender to understand the repayment process for each loan.